Many of KFC’s activities can only happen because of voluntary giving. Thank you to all who give, no matter what the amount.
Why give?
God is loving and generous. We want to be generous in return: financial giving is one way to do that.
The Bible encourages giving, but there’s no compulsion: as it says in 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
How to give to KFC?
You can give regularly or one-off gifts by:
- Cash
- Via our SumUp machine by the entrance
- Cheque
- Standing Order
- Gift Aid: Download and fill in our form below if you’d like us to reclaim an extra 25% of your gift from HMRC.
- Bank transfer:
Name | Kingsbridge Family Church
Sort Code | 40 26 10 Account Number | 31457195
What happens to my giving?
Your money goes towards running the church and supporting other causes.
KFC aims to give away 20% of income to individuals in need and to local, national and international Christian organisations.
Each year at the AGM, accounts are presented to the church and a budget set for the year ahead.
What about Gift Aid?
If you are a taxpayer, then subject to certain conditions, the church can claim Gift Aid on your giving. This increases the amount by 25%, with no additional cost to you.
Filling in a simple form is all that is required.
Click here to Download the Gift Aid form
More questions or want to start giving…?
…please contact the treasurer!